Voted BEST YOGA Studio!
Visitors Welcome
Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class starts.
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Sedona Location: 162A Coffee Pot Drive
(Right next to Yoga Blessings and Bashas Store)
Sedona Az, 86336
Cottonwood Location: 704 S. Main St.
Cottonwood, AZ 86326
A weekend Immersion | Deep Healing with Resonance
Vibrational harmonization with Yin Yoga & Sound
October 2 - 4, 2020
Learn to facilitate soundhealing for deep relaxation and somatic release while offering yin and restorative yoga asana practice.

I bow to the unseen subtle teacher of all
The skillful effort to unfold into our innate capacity for relaxation and restoration drifts farther from our reach every time we succumb to heightened stimulative stress response. The somatic wisdom of Yin and Structural Restorative Yoga, coupled with soundhealing techniques, serves as nutrients for the nervous system, a “medicine” to recreate that natural and calm state of the mind, body and soul.
Join internationally celebrated Yin & Dharma teacher Kali Basman and soundhealer / facilitator Debra Fleeger as they merge two traditions on the sacred path of Santosha: Contentment – approaching equanimity in the subtle realms and true ease in the physiologic, muscular, and neural networks.
Learn how to offer soundhealing medicine coupled with the facilitation of a safe, effective, and authentic yin yoga class. Awaken to your own potential for restoration, and enliven others with your wisdom.

Yin Yoga is a practice that seeks to mindfully lengthen and lubricate the connective tissues and approach Equanimity in the subtle and emotional body.
Practicing the methods of stillness, mindfulness, and loving kindness, Yin Yoga empowers practitioners to coax Prana into particular healing and rejuvenative pathways. The thrust of a significant yin practice is that of inclusion, learning to open to and accept every sensation that arises and emerges from within us.
As a longevity practice, this special niche of yoga emphasizes resiliency and durability of the joint capsules, balancing asymmetries in our unique anatomy, encouraging improved circulation & digestion, and improved flexibility in the yin tissues of the body. Holding physical postures for upwards of 5 minutes, the system strengthens its own tolerance and capacity for deeper levels of healing while soothing over-stimulated nervous systems.

Creating an Intentional vibrational pathway to continuous healing
Every living being vibrates at a certain frequency. When a body is out of vibrational harmony it presents the opportunity for disease to occur. When specific vibrational sounds are created, a harmonic pattern occurs within the body and provides an opportunity for the body to heal. Sound Healing is the intentional use of sound to create an environment that is a catalyst to heal in the physical, mental, emotional or/and spiritual aspect of our being. Through sound therapies, we can experience a deep mental and physical relaxation that assists the parasympathetic nervous system decreasing, first of all, the stress level. Sounds and
Vibrations are nutrients for the nervous system. Our capacity to hear is a mega-portal to the brain and sonic tools empower health, learning and productivity. Sound Healing is the medicine to recreate that natural and calm state of the mind, body and soul.

PRANIC PATHWAYS 20hr Yin & Restorative Yoga Teacher Training at sedona hot yoga the previous weekend 9/24-9/27. Package deals available.
Schedule Outline
October 2| 4-7pm
October 3|12-6pm
October 4|12-6pm
Dharma: Aspects of an Enduring Practice ASANA|HARA|HEART
Introduction to Soundhealing
Arrival Circle
Yin & Sound Practice: Organ Banquet
12-3 Yin
Yin Principles, Yin vs Yang Tissues, Faschial Matrix & Meridians
Kidney & Adrenals: Trauma Informed Neurophysiology
Water Element Postures [butterfly |dragonfly | supine twists]
3-4 Break
4-6 Sound
Definition, Benefits, Technicalities of playing
Vagus nerve
Composition of crystal singing bowls
Tuning In: Mental and Emotional vibratory preparation
Intuition and it’s role in playing
12-3 Yin
Heart Meridian & Function, Fire Element Asanas: Spinal Extensions & Art of Adjustments
Yin Practice: Heart Channel. Karuna Tonglen & Metta
3-4 Break
4-6 Sound
Intuition share
Tuning in & Intuitive Choosing
Sound wave levels
Binaural beats
Harmonious tones
Endocrine set
Restorative Practice Intermingling the Heart Methods: Muddita & Kshama
Soundhealing Closing
International yoga teacher Kali Basman enriches the paradigm of Yin Yoga to integrate distinct aspects of Self into an innate wisdom practice to awaken a rich inner life and radiate with ritual. Her offering honors Yin Yoga as a tool to surrender to our intrinsic wholeness.
On the textured path of mindful healing, Kali is celebrated for her integration of the 5 Elements and Chinese Meridian Theory with self-inquiry, embodied Anatomy, Buddhist Philosophy of Equanimity, and sharp intellect.

Debra is a certified sound practitioner, trained in Yin & Restorative yoga & Reiki. She intuitively plays the Alchemy crystal singing bowls which deliver specific frequencies to assist clients in their healing process. Debra offers her sound baths through public events, individual/small group sessions and retreats. Debra loves to practice Kundalini yoga which is an integral part of her transformational journey. She enjoys spontaneous events which promote harmonious gatherings and synchronistic experiences that help develop her skills to be of service to others. Debra offers her services wherever she travels and formed Sacred Sounds for the Soul with Gong Master Terry Dawn Bergstedt.
162A Coffee Pot Drive
- Non-residential, Accommodation not included
COST: $550
Sign up with PRANIC PATHWAYS 20hr Yin & Restorative Yoga Teacher Training the previous weekend
9/24-9/27 for a package deal.
$550 - Pranic Pathways Total
$550 - Yin & Sound Total
$900- Package deal for both weekends
Earlybird Discount Code (EARLYBIRD10): $50 off until July 20th
only one discount applicable
Durga Excursions offers one SEVA - SERVICE YOGI scholarship per training (does not include room & board) Apply here for SEVA SCHOLARSHIP.
Durga Excursions offers one SEVA - SERVICE YOGI scholarship per training (does not include room & board) Apply here for SEVA SCHOLARSHIP.
QUESTIONS? E-mail Kali at info@durgaexcursions.com

"As I have learned Yin asks the body to gently hold in a pose for an elongated amount of time so that there is a path carved for the mind and body to find equanimity; therefore bringing deeper awareness, unlocking the body's meridians and thus igniting the mind, body, spirit connection for a transformational and empowered healing process!"
“I have found newness in me, I have released oldness no longer serving me. I have more clarity in my life just from these past few days. Light has been shown on the dark places in me, really transmitting the dark to create light.”
"This training has transformed my perspective on how Yin can heal the physical by unlocking the energy flow of the meridians pathways, while creating space for a deeper spiritual connection." - Practitioner, Intrinsic Wholeness Retreat, Cusco -Peru 2018
"I feel a greater level of comfort in teaching and guiding others after this course - more than I expected. Prior to the class I knew only bits and pieces on the principles and philosophy of Yin, where now many of the pieces fit together like a puzzle. I feel I have the tools and knowledge to better describe Yin and what it has to offer to improve the intrinsic wholeness of others. "- Practitioner, Intrinsic Wholeness Retreat, Cusco - Peru 2018
"Kali has just a gift that I can tell has been nurtured with years and years of structure, guidance and strength through compassion with is truly remarkable. Her knowledge is astute and I am looking forward to the next training with her continue my journey I could not have asked for a more grounded teacher. I really like Kali’s guidance in accentuating the verbal language with breathe and on vowels. Very helpful technique that I personally I feel lucky was able to harness and hold space for others in the room. That part alone I found to be grounding."