Voted BEST YOGA Studio!
Visitors Welcome
Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class starts.
Download our App "Wellnessliving Achieve" for fast and easy check in and to stay updated on your account.
Sedona Location: 162A Coffee Pot Drive
(Right next to Yoga Blessings and Bashas Store)
Sedona Az, 86336
Cottonwood Location: 704 S. Main St.
Cottonwood, AZ 86326
Yoga Class Pricing
Single Class for Visitors - $25
Single Class for Visitors plus Mat and Towel to use - $30
Single Class for Locals, ID Required - $20
3 Class Pass - $54 ($18/class, valid for 30 days)
5 Class Pass - $80 ($16 per class, valid for 60 days)
10 Class Pass - $140 ($14 per class, valid for 120 days)
1 Year Unlimited - $1,500
30 Days Unlimited - $165 (30 consecutive days, no freezes or extensions)
7 Days Unlimited Yoga $85
Monthly Unlimited with auto renew $150 (can freeze between 7-30 days, twice a year.)
*Monthly unlimited will go until student cancels it., 2 months minimum. ​
Visitors Welcome at all classes
Pre-Registration for first time students is recommended
Mat and Towel Rentals Available for $3 each
Bottled Water available for $2
Please Choose only the package you are committed to use, all passes are
non-transferable, non-refundable and have expirations. There is 3.5% credit Card Processing fee for all credit card transactions.
We love and value you!